Jim Wern
Jim Wern is first and foremost a God-follower. He also enjoys his roles as husband, father, friend, Pastor of Online Disciple Making and Digital Resource Development with ViaCordis, and amateur cook. He has served as children's pastor, youth pastor, career adult pastor, and outreach pastor in various churches for the last 36 years in churches from 10 to 10,000 and is currently leading a house church in the San Gabriel Valley. For the last three years, Jim has been journeying with 40 pastors in Africa into a deeper connection with Christ and others. Jim's day job is in HR with The Home Depot. Jim has been married to Donna for 36 years and has four adult children and two beautiful grandchildren.
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Mailing address: 26741 Portola Pkwy #1E-183, Foothill Ranch, CA 92610
Phone: 949.633.6039
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